Articles related to Agroecology

Urban farming initiatives

Urban farming initiatives

Urban spaces need to radically rethink their relationship with food in terms of production and consumption as...

Our garden, our life

Our garden, our life

Across the world, the concept of ‘grow your own food’ is gaining popularity, especially in cities and towns. Rapid...

Producing vegetable locally

Producing vegetable locally

In the times of Covid pandemic, building immunity has gained much more importance than ever before. Farmers and...

Kutumba Kai Thottas

Kutumba Kai Thottas

‘Kutumba Kai Thottas’ or family kitchen gardens are being successfully promoted in Karnataka, to supplement the...

Cultivating biodiversity

In the Deccan region of India, over 60,000 women peasants are feeding their families, their culture and their pride...