Training organizations in Knowledge management, Documentation and Communication

Long term programmes
These programmes involve guiding involving, skills, systems and Organizational Learning processes for better learning and Sharing

Short term programmes
These involve focused skill building on specialized topics eg. Case writing


Facilitating knowledge exchange platforms

To strengthen the LEISA knowledge use and sharing, unstructured alliances of LEISA enthusiasts were formed. It was thought that if LEISA India has to become a movement it has to be built in small ‘steps’. These steps need to be rooted in democratic principles and a spirit of volunteerism.

Two LEISA Alliance meets were organized, one in the North and one in the South bringing together LEISA enthusiasts, which facilitated knowledge sharing. Such alliances in various parts of the country, facilitated by the consortium partners, are expected to strengthen the LEISA knowledge use and sharing.

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Guiding in Documentation and Product development

Alternative and sustainable agricultural practices are being followed in many regions, practiced by many farmers and promoted by a number of organizations. However, these are not being disseminated far and wide, as they are not being noted or documented. One of the major reasons for not documenting is the lack of skills to document apart form time and resources.

LEISA India team has been guiding organizations in documenting their field experiences. We strongly believe that a long term support is crucial in helping organizations pick up the skills and nuances of documentation. One off training events are just not an answer to this issue. Therefore LEISA India team has been supporting field level organizations, both in India as well as in other countries by providing long term hand holding support.  We have guided organizations like ORRISSA, KIRDTI, DULAL in Orissa and Caritas, BARCIK and BIA in Bangladesh.

LEISA India team has also been supporting in bringing out event specific publications. We have supported donor organizations like MISEREOR, Germany and CARITAS, India in bringing out special publications.