When empowered by the system, women can be active agents of change, who can shape their own destinies and that of...
Articles related to Agroecology & Development
Resilient farmers of Thar
The farmers from Indo-Pak bordering villages turned out to be far more resilient than expected amidst challenges...
Self help is the best help – Indigenous farmers stand strong against economic slowdown
Farm on wheels, an initiative to sell local produce has enabled the farmer groups to access diverse local markets...
Pivoting from local food to just food systems
The COVID-19 virus has jarred many people out of the illusion that globalised, corporate food is safe and secure....
Scaling up agroecological farming – Capacity building is the key
Wider adoption of agroecological practices are limited by certain constraints which are highly region and...
Farmers as custodians of Earth
At a time when no limits are set for our thoughts and success, both farmers and seeds stay within limits and...
Conserving local culture and enhancing local livelihoods
Meeting the demands of future food needs, while conserving natural resources, improving nutrition and improving...
Agriculture – a life of inter-connectedness
Strongly believing in diversity, around 5000 farmers in Kerala have been preserving and nurturing seed diversity,...
Partnerships promoting digital platforms
Over the last few decades massive technological development and new opportunities have transformed people’s lives....