Paderu women have proved that despite having access to fewer resources, it is possible to adopt agroecological...
Articles related to Agroecology
Entrepreneurship to promote organic farming
Farmers dependant on rainfall are always vulnerable. But turning crisis into an opportunity requires determination...
Resilient farmers of Thar
The farmers from Indo-Pak bordering villages turned out to be far more resilient than expected amidst challenges...
An aesthetic of regeneration
The five day Art event “Let me come to your wounds, heal myself”, as part of the 9th SeedFest 2020 of FTAK, was an...
App that helps farmers get better yield
NaPanta is a free to download ‘Agricultural crop management’ mobile application. Available on the Android platform,...
Self help is the best help – Indigenous farmers stand strong against economic slowdown
Farm on wheels, an initiative to sell local produce has enabled the farmer groups to access diverse local markets...
Pivoting from local food to just food systems
The COVID-19 virus has jarred many people out of the illusion that globalised, corporate food is safe and secure....
Nutrition gardens – A promising intervention in the post COVID scenario
As the World grapples with the devastating consequences of the spread of the novel coronavirus, nations are faced...
The power of women’s networks for agroecology in India
“We knew we needed a space to save our native varieties of seeds and transmit the traditional knowledge of farming...