Ramanjaneyulu and Rajitha India is a country with a wide diversity in ecological and social situations. Rice being...
Articles related to Agroecology
Natural regeneration processes at work
Modern agriculture technology has imposed many external inputs like machinery for cultivation, hybrid seeds,...
Weed as a Cover Crop in Coffee Plantations
M. S. Sreenivasan A Planter is known as a 'PLANTER' because of his endless planting activity. He has to undertake...
Participatory Varietal Selection and Promotion Programme
Lunavada Taluk of Godhra, also known as Panchmahal district in Northern part of Gujarat, falls in the irrigated...
Peasant-led Participatory Research for managing chilli disease
Jodhpur district situated in the western part of Rajasthan is densely populated. Popularly known as "Sun City" , it...
A promising groundnut variety ICGV 91114 for low rainfall areas
Majority of the farmers in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh are resource poor, mostly dependant on dryland...
Moong Over Microchips
It was just a couple of years back that I was working as Project Manager at IBM Bombay and had spent 16 years in...
Redefining Pest Management in agriculture
Today agriculture is passing through a difficult phase. The ever increasing costs of cultivation due to excessive...
Towards sustainability….
“We were reluctantly migrating to other places in search of livelihood. Dry lands of ours with erratic rainfall,...