Madhu Ramakrisnan The nature is ours, but not ours alone. If there is a way to protect his agricultural produces...
Articles related to Agroecology
Traditional plant protection management practices of Rajasthan
Arun Kumar In view of the fast changing agricultural scenario, a drift has resulted from sustenance to commercial...
Learning eco-friendly ways of managing pests
Anitha Pailoor Sugarcane farmers in Alnavar near Dharwad in Karnataka state are no more worried about the insect...
Farmer innovation for managing pests
Ilango, a small farmer, aged 40, owns six acres of land. He has been applying a technology, originally practiced by...
Millets for food, nutrition and health security
S. Swain and N. R. Parida The role of millets as food grain has been declining over years with increasing...
Healthy farmers and healthy environment
Farmers earlier cultivated crops mainly for their own use and for those local communities like potters, cobblers,...
Back to traditional farming systems – a case of Monpa tribes
The Monpa are an ethnic group of Tibetan descent inhabited in the western Arunachal Pradesh. A population of 45,000...
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Wayanad – Experiences of RASTA
C.K.Vishnudas Wayanad in Kerala once had nearly 40000 hectares of paddy cultivation, the name Wayanad itself came...
K.Suresh SRI Method and feeding the population Whenever an alternative is put forth to the conventional high-input...