Ganga Ankad Key factor for successful farming is the integration of several enterprises. When integrated applying...
Articles related to Agroecology
Mushroom enterprise – A collective effort towards empowerment
This is a story of transformation of a tribal community from life of distress to life of prosperity - a journey...
Backyard Poultry – A success story of a tribal start-up
Backyard poultry with native breeds is easy to manage, less risky and can generate better incomes, for the poor...
Group enterprises – A way to enhance small farmer livelihoods
Maize is a popular crop among farmers, especially small holders in Karnataka. By coming together as a group, the...
Farmers in Odisha replenish soil fertility – the natural way
Practicing bio-fertilizer cultivation to grow vegetables for self-consumption initially, many farmers in Aladipur...
Sustainable farms, sustainable futures
A shift from conventional to organic methods of cultivation is possible with a little support.The case of Golapi, a...
Biologicals for Higher Farm Production
M H Mehta There is a dire need to reduce input costs and improve farm productivity in a sustainable manner. The...
Fish Amino – A useful biological option
Farmer groups in Tamil Nadu found a successful solution in Fish Amino for enhancing the soil fertility. Rich in...
Reaping multiple benefits from biological crop management
T M Radha and J Krishnan Adopting eco friendly practices and enhancing crop biodiversity has several advantages in...