Crops and livestock have historically been integrated in farming systems. Livestock often play a major role in smallholder production systems, where it is common to find chickens, small ruminants (goats and sheep) and in some cases, cattle. Invariably, the integration is based on low maintenance principles as well as better recycling of resources.
However, in the last few years there has been a trend towards monocropping and specialised animal production systems. This has been brought about by both the shrinkage in grazing resources and incentives to rear high-yielding animals. These improved and cross-bred animals require better management and nutrition as well as stall feeding and expensive feed. Along with these trends of specialisation, declining numbers of livestock, there have also been changes in livestock management practices. The role played by small ruminants in small holder production systems is grossly underestimated in terms of supplementary nutrition and easy access to quick returns.
There are a number of experiences which show the advantages of practicing crop-livestock integration. Besides recycling of resources between crop and livestock systems, and enhancement of soil fertility through use of manure, integrating crops and livestock can lead to a number of indirect impacts. By integration there is higher level of diversification which enhances the climate resilience of farming systems. Diversified livelihoods result in diverse incomes which also serves as a risk reducing strategy. Integrating animals and crops can be an economically viable model as well. Increased yields and diversified incomes have been observed in integrated systems.
In this issue of LEISA India we would like to include experiences of farmers on how they have benefitted from crop-livestock integration. What are the challenges and how have they addressed the various issues arising in such an integrated system? What is the role of women? Are there any successful economic models? What is the role of institutions in promoting and helping farmers to practice crop-livestock integration?
Articles for the December 2021 issue of LEISA India should be sent to the editors before 8th December 2021 at