Editorial – Agroecological Value Chains

Sustainable food systems, while preserving the environment, ecosystems and biodiversity should also be able to ensure economic prosperity.  While the value chain in conventional agricultural systems refers to the value added to the product from the farm to the...

June 2018 – Biological Crop management

Farmers interested in chemical free farming have been traditionally using biologicals. With the advent of Green revolution agriculture, the emphasis shifted to chemical inputs. However, there has been increased awareness on use of biologicals in recent years as they...

Ecological livestock

Livestock forms an important livelihood support system for about seventy million rural households in India, especially in the arid and semi-arid regions of the country. They are infact integral to rural life, supporting agriculture, contributing to the household...

Editorial – Millet farming systems

We do get disturbed with climate change, depleting resources, increasing hunger and malnutrition, eroding farm productivity and incomes, rural urban inequities. Climate change is not an absolutely new phenomenon. Malnutrition has been existing and is increasing owing...