De-centralsied knowledge service is vital for empowering the knowledge deprived poor people. Aiming to provide...
Articles related to Knowledge Exchange
Participatory Guarantee Systems – A platform for knowledge exchange
The significance and value of local and traditional farmers’ knowledge on improving agricultural practices is...
Co-creating knowledge collectively
Livestock rearing practices have changed enormously in the last 25 years. ANTHRA in Andhra Pradesh has taken...
Science Field Shops – Learning in response to climate change
Farmers are learning to prepare and cope with climatic variations by observing, learning and interacting with...
Farmer Field School – Building knowledge on the farm
Farmer Field Schools serve as a platform for mutual learning among farmers and resource persons. Interactions,...
Participatory knowledge building
In an innovative effort to mainstream locally relevant knowledge to promote sustainable agriculture, DDS is...
The Narayana Reddy Column: Educating youth on alternatives – The need of the hour
Indian farmers are at the cross roads. Every year their problems are compounding owing to several reasons -...
ZIMSOFF and the Shashe Agro-Ecology School
While it is now widely acknowledged that a smallholder based, agro-ecological food production system is the best...
Plant Health Clinics: Linking farmers with scientific knowledge
Plant health clinics is a unique initiative tried by the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute and the Department of...