Finding agriculture unremunerative, a number of youth are seeking livelihood opportunities outside agriculture. To...
Articles related to Knowledge Exchange
Growing organically: Enhancing knowledge through cultural exchange
To impart organic farming education to the new generation that heavily relies on chemical farming, WWOOF INDIA is...
e-Arik Center: Using ICT for educating farmers
The ICT based agricultural education has the potential of empowering farming communities by improving access to...
Seeds and FFSs
The agrobiodiverstiy@knowledged programme initiated by Oxfam Novib and Hivos, aims at generating and sharing...
Farmer Field Schools – Learning on the farm
Farmers in Takuche village in Nepal learnt eco-friendly ways of managing pests in apple orchards through Farmer...
Rural Reality Show: An innovative approach to spread good practices
Spreading a good practice in agriculture on a wider scale has always been a challenge. However, people in Rajawar,...
Participation of women in different micro situation based farming system of Sundarbans
Women constitute about 300 million of population in rural India. More than 75% belong to the families of resource...
Empowerment processes – from hopelessness to informed decision making
Not much ago, say half a decade before, if any govt. official or politician visited Khamarbadmal, people would ask...
Participatory Technology and Development
The research in agriculture has been confined laboratories of the Research Institutes and Universities. The...