4 Editorial
6 ‘Pure & Fair’: Organic and Fair Trade supports sustainable livelihoods
Alistair Leadbetter, Heather Parr and Maveen Pereira
10 Agroecological cotton and fair trade make the difference
Pedro Jorge B.F. Lima
12 Meeting the challenges of exporting mangoes from Burkina Faso
Hans-Willem van der Waal
13 Themes for LEISA India
14 Improved shea butter trading through certification
Cindy D’Auteuil
16 Fair to the last drop: Corporate challenges to Fairtrade
Eric Holt-Giménez, Ian Bailey and Devon Sampson
19 Markets, trading and Fair trade
NCB Nath
20 Growing a local organic movement: The Mexican Network of Organic Markets
Erin Nelson, Rita Schwentesius Rindermann, Laura Gómez Tovar and Manuel Ángel Gómez Cruz
22 Participatory Guarantee Systems offer alternative certification
Tegan Renner
23 Eco foot prints – using people’s participation as a way forward
Mathew John and Kunal Sharma
25 Organic bazaars – linking small producers with urban consumers
B N Vishwanath
26 Reaping benefits through Public-Private Partnership
Yogesh Sawant and Meghraj Sapate
27 Community Supported Agriculture: An alternative local food system
Petra van de Kop, Klaas Nijhof, Henk Kloen and Arnoud Braun
30 The Narayana Reddy Column : Linking growers and consumers
31 Sources
33 Networking
34 Books
35 Direct trade that benefits poor communities in India and the U.K.
Mari Marcel Thekaekara