Highlights how an innovative technology helped farmers to be resilient in dealing with water logging conditions and drought situations, while protecting their soils,...
Empowering rural India – The RE way
India has considerable experience and is home to several innovations and successful examples of providing energy access to the remotest areas of the country. Around 28 inspiring...
Enhancing resilience of flood affected communities
Farming becomes a challenge when flooded and left silted, making farmers vulnerable to weather and livelihoods. Technical support along with digital weather forecast and...
Food and livelihood security in urban-rural hinterlands
Peri-urban areas are not 'waiting rooms' for entry into urban areas. A fundamental change in mindsets is needed, to prevent further land-use changes and unregulated construction...
A journey towards integrating dairy
While adversity inspired her to start a new initiative, the training and the support she received from external agencies made her dream possible and sustain. Lily Mathews is a...
Vegetable – based farming system – Enhancing gains through appropriate crop combinations
Amidst the risk of recurrent floods and prolonged waterlogging with changing climate thresholds, 265 households of small and marginal farmers in eastern Uttar Pradesh and North...
Organic vegetable cultivation
Vegetable farmers in Tumkur are reaping many benefits by shifting to ecological alternatives. They are also improving farm sustainability by diversifying crops and trees on the...
Value addition through solar drying
The collective strength of women farmers is being leveraged by integrating solar drying technology with off-farm value addition of primary produce. The decentralized enterprise...
Kutumba Kai Thottas
‘Kutumba Kai Thottas’ or family kitchen gardens are being successfully promoted in Karnataka, to supplement the nutritional intake of these families and provide a source for...