Majority of the rural women are landless. Invariably, they work as farm labourers. Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal, an NGO has helped women of Sagroli in Maharashtra in empowering...
Training videos on agroecology – Putting the power of learning in farmers’ hands
Strengthening agricultural advisory services to make agroecological knowledge and practices available to small and marginal farmers is critical to transition towards agroecology...
Emerging avenues in Agroecology Education
Agroecology is not new. It is based on traditional ecological knowledge and can be found in family farmers’ practices, in grassroots social movements for sustainability and the...
Building social capital by investing in rural youth
Youth provided with appropriate training and opportunities, have the capacity to engage in activities that bring both economic and social benefits. Building human resources is an...
Shaping the change agents of future
VSM is a unique model of development wherein young urban farm graduates are moulded to bring about a change in the agriculture scenario as change agents. This model based on...
Life-skills and livelihoods college for the young farmers
Young people from farming families are opting out of agriculture, perceiving farming as drudgery and unremunerative. Baduku addressed this issue by helping these young farmers...
Participation of women in different micro situation based farming system of Sundarbans
Women constitute about 300 million of population in rural India. More than 75% belong to the families of resource poor. They play a major role in farming system where they are...
Promoting livelihood opportunities to rural youth through non-land-based activities
Increasing pressures on land is compelling youth to go out of farming. Not only farming, there are hardly any opportunities for these rural youth to be gainfully employed in the...
Portable Rainfall Simulator A Participatory Action Learning tool to understand desertification process
Subba Reddy, H.P.Singh, Christine King and Sreenath Dixit Soil erosion by runoff is the principle cause of land degradation particularly in the rainfed agro-eco regions of...