Farmers of coastal Tamil Nadu are compelled to grow rice despite its low returns, as rice alone has the unique feature of withstanding water stagnation for a longer period of...
Local practices conserve livestock breeds
There is an alarming loss of local breeds of livestock for various reasons. Yet, there are many champions in local communities depending on livestock, who are conserving local...
Horses for courses – Understanding SRI adoption
Farmers in Tamil Nadu are finding SRI method ideal for conserving traditional seeds of rice. Despite constraints, farmers are choosing SRI practices suitable for them and moving...
The School of Biodynamic Farming: Retaining youth in farming sector
Finding agriculture unremunerative, a number of youth are seeking livelihood opportunities outside agriculture. To address this issue, The School of Biodynamic Farming has...
Food Sovereignty: SRI sets the Platform in Irrigated Rice Systems of Tamil Nadu
V.K.Ravichandran, K.R.Jahanmohan and B.J. Pandian Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, a pioneer public sector research institute has piloted the innovative method of rice...