With handholding and training support, women entrepreneurs in Maharashtra have developed confidence to provide quality goods and services. From an invisible contribution which...
Agriculture – a life of inter-connectedness
Strongly believing in diversity, around 5000 farmers in Kerala have been preserving and nurturing seed diversity, over years. Exchanging and conserving not only seeds but also...
Access to seeds builds self-reliance
Farming and livelihoods of small, marginal and women farmers in flood-prone areas of Uttarakhand are under threat. Lack of flood resistant varieties often pushed them to the...
Attaining food sovereignty by building access to local seeds
The process of participatory revival, conservation and replication of traditional landraces is helping farmers from the tribal belt in Maharashtra regain their food sovereignty. ...
Seeds of empowerment
Adivasi communities in India are collectively working towards bringing back biodiversity andlocal traditional food production systems. While farmers are recognised as...
Seed festivals promote seed conservation: The Nel Thiruvizha in Adirengam
There is renewed interest in conserving seeds and growing traditional paddy varieties among the farmers in South India. The annual seed festivals have played a significant role...
Gendering Agriculture: Putting Women First
P.V Satheesh By gaining critical control over seeds rural women have recovered traditional landraces and biodiversity in agriculture. Initiatives such as Alternative PDS and Food...
Danesh Kumar Wayanad District is located in the northern part of the state of kerala. The Tamil Nadu and Karnarataka and the District of Calicut it. It is lying on the western...