Around the world, agribusiness pulls in profit by controlling access to seed, severely limiting the number of varieties sold, and patenting certain genetically modified seeds –...
Ensuring food security and genetic diversity
Agro-biodiversity is the most important requisite for having a healthy and strong regional food system. It is genetic diversity that allows regional food systems to be...
Promoting a diverse food culture through people’s initiatives
Campaign on Food Sovereignty in Mayurbhanj Believing that people have knowledge, giving due recognition to that knowledge, creating platforms to share and strengthening their...
Supporting locally determined food systems
The role of local organizations in farming, environment and people’s access to food Localized food systems provide the foundation for people’s nutrition, incomes, economies and...
How will we stop Hunger? Local efforts or global systems?
Local food systems culturally integral to the local communities, enhances community health and nutrition while abolishing hunger. While doing so, it encourages ecological...