Yogesh Sawant and Meghraj Sapate Awareness on benefits of organic farming and hazards of agrochemical residues in food is well established. Consumers from several segments have...
Eco Foot Prints – Using People’s Participation as a Way Forward
Mathew John and Kunal Sharma For millions of organic farmers who earn their livelihoods from cultivating a host of diverse crops, much has changed for the better in the past...
Marketing Organic Produce Around Bangalore : Experiences and Potentials
Many farmers around Bangalore cultivate and market organic produce - either on their own initiative or because of motivation from NGOs. The product range includes milk, cereals,...
Building bridges between organic farmers and export markets: the role of Magosan
For centuries, Indian farmers practised a balanced system of agriculture which was based upon a thorough understanding of environments, seasons, crop mixing, rotation and gene...