Farmers are interested to adopt the alternative options to agrochemicals. Adoption of disease resistant varieties and availability of bio-pesticides have great potential to...
Snow harvesting – An innovative irrigation method
Farmers traditional practice with a little adaptation has resulted in enhancing the quality and quantity of apple production in Jumla district in Nepal. This low-cost technology...
Farmers in Odisha replenish soil fertility – the natural way
Practicing bio-fertilizer cultivation to grow vegetables for self-consumption initially, many farmers in Aladipur village in Odisha took up to organic vegetable production for...
Cattle shed management for better soil health
Small interventions can have great impacts. A small support from the government for improving the cattle sheds resulted in a shift in the way farmers of Sindhuli district in...
Yam on terrace walls
Yam has several nutritional benefits, yet the crop remains neglected and underutilized. In the absence of national research and extension programmes on yam, LIBIRD’s initiative...
Communities revive traditional water springs
Women of Bajeena village are taking active role in managing water resources. With TERI’s support, besides their access to drinking water being improved, communities feel that the...
Community Biodiversity Management (CBM) fund for sustainable rural finance
Community empowerment is a driving force to motivate rural people for conservation efforts. Access to knowledge and financial resources are basic requirements for the community...
Our 2P approach
Land is more than a production resource. In the rural areas of countries like Nepal it determines an individual’s socioeconomic status, and is therefore strongly related to power...
Beating malnutrition through vegetable production
Growing vegetables in the off-season through agro ecological methods, the women’s group in Humla district has not only improved access to vegetables, but also established...