Livestock rearing practices have changed enormously in the last 25 years. ANTHRA in Andhra Pradesh has taken initiatives to preserve the local knowledge on livestock rearing by...
Surviving the winds of change: A shepherds dilemma
In the information age replete with cell phones and the internet, traditional knowledge is not adequate to meet the challenges and changes happening at an alarming rate. Small...
Silent Services of “winged beauties” in agriculture
C.K Vishnudas A Common Myna is seen to have brought food including insects, locusts, caterpillars, grasshoppers etc. 340 times in a day. A German ornithologist reported that...
Towards sustainability….
“We were reluctantly migrating to other places in search of livelihood. Dry lands of ours with erratic rainfall, were not able to meet our food needs. Hardly one crop could be...
Role models for the young to stay in farming
S. Vijayalakshmi Farmers in Puliangudi in Tamil Nadu, though reeling under drought, have been practicing innovative and indigenous farming methods. Gomathinayagam, a farmer has...