In the fight against hunger; we are together It is our struggle; it is our leadership. We are half of the world We should get half of the land (voices of poor farmers, men and...
Land and Power
The global food system is broken, according to Oxfam’s GROW campaign. Land grabs are a horrific symptom of this broken system. This is clearly presented in “Land and power: The...
Our 2P approach
Land is more than a production resource. In the rural areas of countries like Nepal it determines an individual’s socioeconomic status, and is therefore strongly related to power...
Communities are smart enough to make the right choices
Interview: Laura Eggens Since the mid-1990s, the International Land Coalition (ILC) has been working to promote equitable and secure access to land for poor men and women in...
Fighting for land rights
A case of Juang and Bhuyan adivasis in Orissa Land and forest resources are the core of survival for many tribal communities. While fighting for their land rights, Juang and...
A little land can make a big difference
When distributed broadly, secure land tenure becomes a fundamental building block for the development of sustainable, prosperous and peaceful societies. With more than two lakh...
Transforming quietly: What India can learn from a grassroots land reform movement in Brazil
The international dignitaries who left Rio de Janeiro soon after the UN Earth summit missed a remarkable grassroots movement seeking to transform rural Brazil into a more...
Struggle for land rights
Nikku.Balaraju and Pranita Bhushan Background Land is the most crucial resource, valued for its economic, political and symbolic importance. It is a productive, wealth creating...