NaPanta is a free to download ‘Agricultural crop management’ mobile application. Available on the Android platform, it currently has over 1,17,000 users (farmers) from across...
Digital solutions for marketing
The Haryana Horticulture Department and SourceTrace digital platform collaborated bringing producers and buyers onto one common platform. The digital initiative empowers the FPOs...
Digital Platform for promoting improved technologies
Mobile phone, owing to its affordability, accessibility and widespread network is emerging as a preferred digital tool for information dissemination for smallholder farmers....
Leveraging digital tools – For adaptive food systems in India during the COVID – 19 lockdown
Despite many exemptions from lockdown, the agricultural sector in India has experienced major disruptions due to the COVID-19 crisis. Agriculture in India employs about 55% of...
Enabling digital transformation in agriculture
Digitalisation in agriculture is not just the future, but the present reality of global agriculture. Digital technologies have been a major potential booster to the world of...
Turning technology into a tool for regenerative agroecology
Conventional digital market platforms are extractive in nature.Krishi Janani’s marketplace platform in Tamil Nadu is building an alternative model that emphasizes...
Going digital – Integrating experiential innovations in coconut farming
Small farms can become efficient when tacit knowledge of farmers is integrated with explicit knowledge from other sources. ICAR’s initiative has shown that this could be possible...
Bringing digital technology to farmers’ door steps
Today we are more dependent on digital technologies than ever before. This paradigm shift towards digital technologies should not further marginalise the small and marginal...
Partnerships promoting digital platforms
Over the last few decades massive technological development and new opportunities have transformed people’s lives. However, these opportunities have not benefited the agriculture...