Timely credit is the key Before 1970, in rural India, borrowing money was a shameful act. In 1971, I borrowed Rs. 5000 from a rich family from my neighbouring village as a...
Bank credits – boon or bane?
Big loans are a great risk for small groups. Investments should match the group’s ability to save and produce. Strengthening groups, forming federations and building up group...
Thinking beyond credit
Credit is often seen as an indispensable vehicle for the poor to get out of poverty, or as the tool that allows farmers to get access to new technologies, to increase...
Financing sustainable farming through strong local institutions
Building local human resources and simple financial systems at the grassroot level ensures sustainability of SHG funding activities. Belaku, an organization working for...
Dr. Venkatesh Tagat – Strength lies in building empowered communities
NABARD is set up by the Government of India as a development bank with the mandate of facilitating credit flow for promotion and development of agriculture and integrated rural...
Linking small-scale farmers to credit institutions
Improvement in farmers livelihoods depends on the strength of their coming together. Access to resources is influenced by the extent to which farmers are organized and the...
Marginal and small farmers require freedom and options, not financial inclusion
Small farmers need credit and other supporting services for diverse activities which comprise a family’s livelihood strategy. Self Help Affinity Groups (SAGs) are the most...