An alarming fall in pollinators population would collapse the ecosystem rendering a food security crisis. BAIF’s pilot initiatives to boost the population of pollinator insects,...
Buzzing like bees: Women smallholders in beekeeping
Integration of agroecological practices with beekeeping provides a unique opportunity for women to promote sustainable farming methods that nurture biodiversity and generate...
Honey Bees – Farmers best friends
Low cost beekeeping has the potential to increase and even double the yields of local crops with no extra efforts. Recognising this fact, Under The Mango Tree (UTMT) promoted...
Honey Bees – Inevitable for our survival
Bee pollination is a primary low cost in sustainable agriculture. Bee keeping enterprise while helping to generate income for farmers will also serve as a provider of pollination...
Pollinators – Key for agro biodiversity conservation
Initiatives and innovations promoted by Keystone Foundation have helped promote bee keeping amongst farmers and tribal communities around the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. The...