5. PTD Emerging in South India – an Overview
H.N. Chamakya
7. The Making of a Social Institution
Manjulika vaz
9. The Genesis of the LEISA Network
Oswald Quintal
11. Data an research for Collective Action – IFOAM Case Study
Ashok Rathi
13. NPM – way of Axhieving Food security
B. suresh Reddy
15. Maghi Sorghum in Deep Black Soils of Khammam, Andhra Pradesh
J. Venkateswarlu
16. Development of Multi Crop Fertiseed Drill for Black Soil (Karail) Area of Uttar Pradesh
R.N. Rai, J. Singh and R. Prasad
18. The Narayana Reddy Column : Role of Livestock in Sustainable Agriculture
19. Ideas worth trying… ecofriendly management of Sucking Pests of Bittergourd
19. Planting More Neem Trees
20. Technologies worth trying.. Leaf wetness Counter
20. Gypsum to Control Stemrot