अर्चना श्रीवास्तव व कौशल पाण्डेय द्वारा लिखित लेख”मौसम एवं कृषि सम्बन्धी परामर्श सेवाएं किसानों के लिए लाभप्रद” के माध्यम से पश्चिमी चम्पारण, बिहार के नौतन ब्लाक के किसानों में सूचनाओं के प्रति जागरूकता बढ़ी और किसानों नें स्थानीय कार्यकर्ता श्री रामसूरत के माध्यम से उन किसानों की एक सूची बनाकर जी. ई. ए. जी. कार्यालय के प्रेषित कराइ, जो इन सूचनाओं को प्राप्त करना चाहते थे| जे इ ए जी के कार्य क्षेत्र नौतन स्तित पांच गांवों के 200 किसान इस लेख की वजह से नवम्बर से मौसम सम्बन्धी सूचनाएं प्राप्त कर रहे हैं।
LEISA has been one of my must read magazine of development from the time I was graduating in Karnataka; the newness is really admirable and write ups which showcase innovativeness motivates. Issues of Family farming was very handy for practitioners like us who are working with marginal farmers. Keep up the good work. Just a suggestion to include articles from dynamic organizations working to uplift poor in rural areas which might be apart from farming but anyway contributing to village economy…..Pradeep Kumar Tiwari (Tiwaripradeep46@gmail.com)
Thanks for sharing the E-magazine –Ecological livestock. I had a glance and found very interesting and informative. Taking this opportunity, let me share a related case study on our work. Hope you would find it worth reading…..Aman Singh (krapavis_oran@rediffmail.com)
Greetings and congratulations for bringing out very useful articles. I read all of it carefully and consider the magazine as a rich knowledge pool….Jaya Kritika Ojha (kritika.jaya@gmail.com)
Very much informative and up to date articles. Nice to see the regional language content. If this can be circulated among the farmers, it can lead to wonders….Dr. Siddharth Ranabijuli (dr.sidhu.vet@gmail.com)
The Milles issue is very useful and I want to share the copies with CM of AP, Agriculture Minister of AP, Principal Chief Secretary: Agriculture and 2 more people for making them known about the millets farming in dry lands of Andhra Pradesh. I am reading your magazine for more than 10 years and LEISA India carries useful articles and subjects…..D Madhusudhan Rao (mdevineni@gmail.com)
The articles are very visible like Biological crop management, Biological farm pond, Fish Amino, Women Entrepreneur, Biological crop management. All the story very interesting and insightful. May god guide you and bless you to continue forever the magazine and reach to the development sector in time….Lingaraj Panigrahi-HELP NGO-Odisha
I have gone through the magazine and I found that almost all the articles are useful and inculcate others to do some agriculture. As you all know that agri work is a divine work, as our soil has life (living). English edition of the magazine has more information. I wish all success in your mission and endeavor…..K Soorappan (114781)
THUDA is an NGO since 1999 working in Jharkhand. We are regular readers of LEISA India magazine. We thank you for needful information. We have getting lots of idea from it. We have just received a magazine which is Month of December 2018. It is really very practical information for farmers and BGOs. You have a section where you mention NEW BOOK etc. We are interested to buy first one kindly suggest me how we can get it (Climate Change and Agriculture Development)……THUDA (Tribal Humanity Development Activity) (jdthuda@gmail.com)
Thank you for sending me kannada edition of LEISA India magazine. I am 82 years old man and I could not than you earlier. As you mentioned in the editorial, I am suggesting few names addresses herewith. Please send them the copies of LEISA India magazine……Guruling Channaveerappa Mosali
ತಮ್ಮ ಕನ್ನಡದ ಲೀಸಾ ಪತ್ರಿಕೆ ಮತ್ತು ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಆವೃತ್ತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಬರುವ ಅನೇಕ ಗ್ರಾಮೀಣ ಪರವಾದ ಕೃಷಿ-ಮಾನವ-ಪರಿಸರಗಳ ಕೂಲಂಕುಷವಾದ ಬರವಣಿಗೆ ಗ್ರಾಮೀಣ ಬುಡಕಟ್ಟು ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ಮಾದರಿಯ ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕತೆಯ ಅಧ್ಯಯನ ಗ್ರಾಮೀಣ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿಗೆ ಪೂರಕವಾಗಿವೆ. ಇದು ನಮ್ಮ ದಿವಂಗತ ಮಾಜಿ ಕುಲಪತಿ ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು ಕೃಷಿ ವಿ ವಿ ಯ ಡಾ. ದ್ವಾರಕೀನಾಥರ ದೂರದೃಷ್ಟಿಯ ಕೃಷಿ ಜ್ಞಾನ ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಭಾರತದಲ್ಲಿ LEISA ಕೃಷಿ ಹಾಗೂ ಕೃಷಿ ತಜ್ಞರ ಗಮನ ಸೆಳೆದಿರುವ ಪತ್ರಿಕೆಯಾಗಿದೆ. ಈ ಮೂಲಕ ಸೇವೆ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸುತ್ತಿರುವ AME ಪ್ರತಿಷ್ಠಾನಕ್ಕೆ ಅಧ್ಬುತ ನಮನಗಳು….Kisan Agro Service – Hubli
Thank you for the excellent inputs and dissemination of the same to the farming community as well as other stakeholders in a simple and lucid manner. I consider LEISA India as the ‘Readers Digest’of the farming community and agricultural etension workers of the country. Since my Agricultural college days I am an avid reader of LEISA and the contents helped me to grow on my thoughts, practical convictions in field situation as well as channelize my research thoughts to support the farmers firstly. The selection of contents for each issue is commendable since it truly reflects the needs and concerns of the real tillers. moreover an inclusive approach towards rural youths, women, students and the real experiences of who toil and tills the soil are valuable and a reference material to keep and use. My sincere congratulations and kudos to all the team behind this most loved, valuable friend, philosopher and guide in my journey as an extension person, social science researcher and a humble farmer…. Anithakumari P.
It is always good to read your publication that gives me vast knowledge on diversified sectors of food security.. Pabitra Paramanya
LEISA is an excellent journal in the field of agriculture. Dr. Kameswar Das, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Milannagar 781313, Assam
Abstracts of articles are translated to local language and used for broadcast as “Farm News”.
K .Gunashekhara, Deputy Director, All India Radio, Bangalore.
This magazine is very good with exchanging and sharing knowledge about agriculture for present and future. Nilesh Talekar
Very pertinent to the developing country like Nepal, since I am working for small farmer through Department of Agriculture in Nepal. – Madhu Sudan Paudyal
LEISA India is an excellent reading in agriculture – Mr. Kulkarni A.B.
I read your journal regularly and I congratulate you on its very useful contents and beautiful get up. Your emphasis on ‘Yuva Kisan’ is very timely – Prof. M S Swaminathan, MSSRF
We find the magazine useful for rural tribal villagers to improve their farming techniques – S. Mundayoor
Very pertinent to the developing country like Nepal, since I am working for small farmer through Department of Agriculture in Nepal. Madhu Sudan Paudyal
Read article on organic farming by Mr. Chandrashekar in LEISA magazine; got very impressed regarding organic farming. Tulasidas Varma, Nagpur, Maharashtra and Veerappan, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
This magazine is very good with exchanging and sharing knowledge about agriculture for present and future. Nilesh Talekar
I have been a regular reader of your esteemed magazine since last two years. This is very informative and provides very useful information with regard to modern dynamics of agricultural practices and social innovations. Manas Ranjan Gahir
Your website and articles are an inspiration.. Arjun Jadeja
I could recognize “Low External Input” through LEISA. It implies a lot to society; with low external input, the environment becomes safer, the soil health improves and the yield sustains. S.Varadarasan
I am a reader of LEISA magazine and I am much impressed. You are really doing a great job. Liza Jacob
Through the LEISA magazine I have been getting innovative technical improvised knowledge and skills on sustainable farming… P. Jeevan Das
My experience with LEISA is very good and fruitful for us to understand the world of agriculture and comparison with us and getting more inspiration towards agriculture based livelihood. Sanjay Saxena
We find the magazine useful for rural tribal villagers to improve their farming techniques. Damodaran
LEISA is a good magazine; it contains so many informations related to agriculture specially to the students, farmers, extension workers and the scientists working in this field. I am also a reader of this magazine since last 15 years. Dr. O. V. S. Thenu
I am regular follower of LEISA INDIA. I have agriculture lands and LEISA “Livestock for sustainable livelihoods” issue helped me to use and understand agriculture practices, dairy and sheep raring etc. Recently I visited Veerakempanna’s Sheep farm and I learnt many things, I am fan of Narayana Reddys Coloum. I am sharing LEISA with my friends, relatives and farmers too. Suresh agriculturist, SS group Karnataka
I have been reading LEISAINDIA magazine since ten years. In the year 2002 you predicted that, future status of food crisis in India, What was said, at present it’s happening. Small animals rising can be helpful to small and marginal farmers you said as a consultant but, I started teaching the same in my place the people who comes here are happy. Raj Denie, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu
It is great pleasure to read a magazine like LEISA INDIA Indeed the articles published in the magazine can really change the quality of life of rural people. Balachandra Nadagouda, Karnataka
I have adopted SRI method of rice cultivation. Neighbouring farmers have also shown interest. G.V. Gopinath, Tamil Nadu; Patil, Karnataka; Vinit Bharagava, MP.
I have improved the soil condition in my fields by adapting the techniques described in the LEISA India magazine. R. Ravi, Palakkad, Kerala.
I have started using organic matter continuously for improving soil fertility, inspired by NR column. B. Gunashekhara Bhat, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka.
The articles on dryland agriculture are very useful to me to practice on the field. S. Arun Kumar, Tamil Nadu.
I am preserving organic matter in my farm inspired by NR column in Dec 2003 issue. Prahlad Vaman Devarhubli, Belgaum, Karnataka
LEISA India is an excellent reading in agriculture – Mr. Kulkarni A.B.
We find the magazine useful for rural tribal villagers to improve their farming techniques – S. Mundayoor
I read your journal regularly and I congratulate you on its very useful contents and beautiful get up. Your emphasis on ‘Yuva Kisan’ is very timely – Prof. M S Swaminathan, MSSRF
I have started using organic matter continuously for improving soil fertility, inspired by NR column – B. Gunashekhara Bhat