On-farm energy, Volume: 7.1, Issue- March 2005

4 Editorial

5 Energy use in agriculture: an overview
David Pimentel and Marcia Pimentel

7 Planting to catch more sunlight
Reddy Naganagouda, Zhu Shuijin and V.C. Patil

8 Biodigesters in ecological farming systems
T.R. Preston

13 Improving organic fertilizers
Luis Gomero Osorio

14 Saving energy with better tools
Dave O’Neill

15 The Ututus: four families, five wells and a windpump
William Critchley, Jacqueline Kiio, Stephen Kameti and Marit Brommer

16 Improving traditional water mills
Lumin Kumar Shrestha, Ganesh Ram Shrestha and Rajeev Munankami

18 Clean energy for chilling milk
Carol Herrera and Saúl Ramírez

20 Passive solar architecture for mountain agriculture
Thomas Mansouri and Alain Guinebault

22 Developing a solar dryer for coffee
Victor M. Berrueta Soriano and Fernando Limón Aguirre

24 Rural energy trasitions- a successful case of community participation
Rakesh Prasad

26 Building silos to introduce healthier cookstoves in Honduras
Ian Cherrett

28 The Narayana Reddy Column: On farm energy

29 New books

30 Sources

32 Networking

34 Farmer’s diary

36 Mama trees
Rik Thijssen

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