Nurturing Ecological Processes – December 2006 – Issue 8.4

4. Editorial

5. The System of Rice Intensification and its implications for agriculture
Norman Uphoff

9. Adapting SRI in Tamil Nadu, India
T.M. Thiyagarajan

11. Powdered rock to revitalise soils
Edinei de Almeida, Fábio Junior Pereira da Silva and Ricardo Ralisch

13. Managing pests through plant diversification
Miguel A. Altieri, Luigi Ponti and Clara I. Nicholls

16. System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Wayanad – Experiences of RASTA

18. Weed as a cover crop in coffee plantations
M. S. Sreenivasan

19. Sustaining Rice Cultivation in India Experiences from System of Rice Intensification
Ramanjaneyulu and Rajitha

21. The Mambwe mound cultivation system
John Andrew Siame

23.  Farmer’s understanding of soil processes
Julie Grossman

24. SRI in context: lessons from the field
Willem A. Stoop

25. SRI method – retrospect and future prospectus
K. Suresh

27. The Narayana Reddy Column – Ecological process at work

28. SRI takes root in Nepal
Rajendra Uprety

31.   Farmer’s diary – Green manuring the best way to improve soil health 

32. Sources

34. Networking

35. Books

36. Introducing a new partner – The Centre for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge (CBIK)


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