Thank you for the excellent inputs and dissemination of the same to the farming community as well as other stakeholders in a simple and lucid manner. I consider LEISA India as the ‘Readers Digest’of the farming community and agricultural etension workers of the country. Since my Agricultural college days I am an avid reader of LEISA and the contents helped me to grow on my thoughts, practical convictions in field situation as well as channelize my research thoughts to support the farmers firstly. The selection of contents for each issue is commendable since it truly reflects the needs and concerns of the real tillers. moreover an inclusive approach towards rural youths, women, students and the real experiences of who toil and tills the soil are valuable and a reference material to keep and use. My sincere congratulations and kudos to all the team behind this most loved, valuable friend, philosopher and guide in my journey as an extension person, social science researcher and a humble farmer…. Anithakumari P.
“मौसम एवं कृषि सम्बन्धी परामर्श सेवाएं किसानों के लिए लाभप्रद” के माध्यम से पश्चिमी चम्पारण, बिहार के नौतन ब्लाक के किसानों में सूचनाओं के प्रति जागरूकता बढ़ी …….(Read more)
"मौसम एवं कृषि सम्बन्धी परामर्श सेवाएं किसानों के लिए लाभप्रद" के माध्यम से पश्चिमी चम्पारण, बिहार के नौतन ब्लाक के...