Food Sovereignty – March 2017 – Issue 19.1

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Food sovereignty is not just pride and rights issue, it is about respecting culture, cuisine, choice and climate… in fact, a very pragmatic approach. It is rooted in respecting diversity and in diversity lies sustainability. Discovering the wisdom underneath the prevalent choices is important to understand the rationale and preferences for crop choices. While it may pose challenges of macro management and planning, yet it should be seen without prejudice in terms of resilience it offers, the dignity it provides, the economic value it offers as well as the invaluable contribution it makes through ‘intangible’ eco systems services.

Access to nutritious food is possible if the context and the eco system are nurtured and cared. The experiences included in this issue reinforce the rich diversity of our heritage, the robust alternatives we have … to dream for a healthy future for our rural and urban communities.

We are grateful to those who shared their perspectives with practical experiences on the theme. We are for ever thankful to the readers, the contributors and all those who have been instrumental in knowledge sharing and exchange on safe, inexpensive, simple and practical alternatives based on adaptation and innovation.


Reviving crop biodiversity, restoring food sovereignty
Prasant Mohanty and Kanna K Siripurapu

A self reliance path towards food sovereignty
Kulaswami Jagannath Jena

Attaining food sovereignty by building access to local seeds
Lilesh N Chavan, Hareshwar B Magare and Sudhir M Wagle

Interview: Ramona Duminicioiu “Food sovereignty is about peasant rights”
Tomáš Uhnák

Access to seeds builds self-reliance
Archana Srivastava and Subia Ahmad

Balancing the old and the new
Amandeep Singh and Pranav Kumar

New Books


Policy changes on millets: A relook
Ranjit K Sahu, Ravi Shankar Behera and Srinibash Das

Seeds of resistance for food sovereignty
The Food Sovereignty Alliance, India

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