Cultivating farm biodiversity – March 2014 – Issue 16.1

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This issue of LEISA India is about biodiversity: a nation’s heritage, an opportunity and a solution to deal with threatened livelihoods and ecologies. Biodiversity is a reliable adaptive strategy as well as a mitigating strategy. Family farmers are custodians of biodiversity and articles in this issue highlight how farming and biodiversity go hand in hand.

Read about the many advantages of biodiversity based farming, especially for farmers living in poverty. For example, in Maharashtra, farmers who practise biodiverse-farming experience greater resilience during dry years. Read about how farmers and communities are regaining access and control over their biological resources. For example, farmers in Nepal are conserving their local crops and varieties using Community Seed Banks.

Editorial – Cultivating farm biodiversity

Agriculture, biodiversity and communities: does it add up?

Gine Zwart, Sarah Doornbos and Willy Douma

Cultivating biodiversity – Peasant women in India

P V Satheesh

Conservation by communities – The CBM approach

Pitambar Shrestha and Sajal Sthapit

Local seed systems
For enhancing food security and farm resilience

M Karthikeyan and C S P Patil

Interview: Phrang Roy
“Link biodiversity with the pleasures of food”

Janneke Bruil

Towards food sovereignty
Millets based bio-diverse farming system

Prasant Mohanty

Seed sovereignty for food security and livelihood improvement

Sanjay M Patil

Adapting to climate variation through crop diversification

Eshwer Kale and Marcella D’souza

Evolutionary populations
Living gene banks in farmers’ fields

Maryam Rahmanian, Maede Salimi,
Khadija Razavi, Dr Reza Haghparast and
Dr Salvatore Ceccarelli

The Narayana Reddy Column
Cultivating farm biodiversity

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