Value addition can be achieved through simple practices. Cooperation, coordination, convergence, inclusiveness of...
Articles related to Value Addition
Value addition for better returns
Farmer Producer Organizations have a vast potential in helping the small and marginal farmers to address their...
Litchi processing – A promising value addition
Fruit processing is often associated with high investment, deterring small farmers to take up value addition. ICAR...
Secondary Agriculture – Empowering tribals of Central India
Secondary agriculture which deals mainly with the functionality of agriculture, contributes significantly to...
Adding value to Mahua in pandemic times
Judicious and commercial use of Mahua flowers and fruits can be a profitable enterprise for the villagers by value...
Value addition of MFPs – Potential tool to empower tribal community
Value addition of MFPs is a great way to utilize the hidden potential and value of forest produce which can improve...
Value addition through solar drying
The collective strength of women farmers is being leveraged by integrating solar drying technology with off-farm...
Power of collectives
With an inclusive, sustainable and scalable model of value chain, farmers in Gujarat have come a long way in...
Creating better opportunities – PGS and Analog Forestry
Besides providing for many of our needs, forests play a pivotal role in providing ecosystem services, ranging from...