Young people from farming families are opting out of agriculture, perceiving farming as drudgery and...
Articles related to Youth
Youth as catalysts of accelerated agricultural and rural development
Opportunities for rural youth entrepreneurs are several. If educated youth choose to live in villages and launch...
Improving farming systems by involving youth
Agriculture, inspite of new technologies, seems to be a losing proposition to most of the farmers. In such...
Role models for the young to stay in farming
S. Vijayalakshmi Farmers in Puliangudi in Tamil Nadu, though reeling under drought, have been practicing innovative...
Young farmers in Europe: opting for innovation
Today, young European farmers who take over the family farm face a difficult challenge. They have to work in an...
The next generation farmers
During the past 10 years, rural youth, both boys and girls have started migrating to cities in search of jobs. ...
Preparing the next generation farmers through vocational education
Nikku Balaraju and Dharmana Tata Rao The rural youth are increasingly migrating to urban centers in search of...
Youth and rural livelihoods
Kevin Waldie In rural areas, young people have a major stake in how the natural, economic and social resources of...
Promoting livelihood opportunities to rural youth through non-land-based activities
Increasing pressures on land is compelling youth to go out of farming. Not only farming, there are hardly any...