Madhu.Ramakrishnan Directly or indirectly all food comes from soil. If it is not a living system, it can't...
Articles related to Resource Management
Implications of Genetically Engineered Crops on Soil Fertility
Amitava Rakshit, N C Sarkar, D.Sen and R.K.Maity Without the soil food web, plants would not obtain the nutrients...
Rejuvenating soils with innovative farming approaches
Wardjito Farmers have been using chemical fertilizers and pesticides since the Green Revolution arrived in Paseh...
Changing attitudes to night-soil in Tanzania
Patrick Mwalukisa Farmers in Ileje district rarely used night-soil, believing it to be unsafe. One farmer’s efforts...
Traditional night-soil composting continues to bring benefits
Santaram S. Oinam Night-soil has been considered a valuable agricultural resource since ancient times. When...
Green manures – nature’s gift to improve soil fertility
Arulanandam Vakeesan, Tharshani Nishanthan and Gunasingham Mikunthan Excessive use of inorganic fertilizers and...
Recycling nutrients for better soil and human health
One of the major constraints in the spread of organic farming is the unavailability of good organic manure. But at...
Women enjoy better health by recycling farm – Experience of Gram Vikas
Pradeep Kumar Mohapatra Gram Vikas, a leading NGO in the State of Orissa, has been working for the upliftment of...
Informal Groundnut Seed System: Case study of village based seed banks in Andhra Pradesh, India
Ravinder Reddy Ch and SP Wani The seed takes the major share (50%) in groundnut crop production cost. The seed...