Making our irrigation systems compatible with the demands of the 21st century is the real challenge before...
Articles related to Resource Management
Water scarcity to abundance
Enhanced awareness among communities and self confidence among farmer groups to work collectively, coupled with...
Water management – Critical for Indian Agriculture
With climate changes resulting in erratic and unpredictable monsoons, the pressure on available water resources is...
Harnessing solar energy for irrigation
Shifting to use of renewable sources like the solar power in a region with abundant natural resources, will...
Innovative row covered technology for vegetable cultivation
Highlights how an innovative technology helped farmers to be resilient in dealing with water logging...
Renewable energy for self sufficiency
Decentralized renewable energy (DRE) in India is not only moving farmers towards self-sufficiency but also...
Solar milk cooling in Bangladesh – Off-grid clean energy solutions for rural milk collection centres
PRAN, one of Bangladesh' largest food processing companies, has in recent years set up a network of dairy hubs and...
Scale up micro solar pumps to make farms ‘diesel free’ by 2024
Almost two-thirds of the marginal farmers who own agricultural pumps still rely on diesel/kerosene pumps. Earlier...
Economic empowerment of rural women – Through small enterprises
Majority of the rural women are landless. Invariably, they work as farm labourers. Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal, an...