by Rukmini | Jul 10, 2000 | Articles, Education, Farmer Innovations
James T.J., Bobby Issac, Meera Jose For a long time we have been practicing a lab to land approach for the technology transfer. Even the work of developing societies and voluntary agencies is frequently following this pattern. But this always neglected the...
by Rukmini | Jul 7, 1999 | Articles, Education, Farmer Innovations
N Harikrishna Narayana Reddy, a farmer from Doddallapur near Bangalore believes that sustainable agriculture means a lot of hard work, commitment, consistency and concern for the sustainability of soil health and plant diversity. He feels that consistent...
by Rukmini | Jul 7, 1999 | Articles, Education, Training
Subba Reddy, H.P.Singh, Christine King and Sreenath Dixit Soil erosion by runoff is the principle cause of land degradation particularly in the rainfed agro-eco regions of India. Consequences of land degradation could be more disastrous in arid and semi-arid areas...
by Rukmini | Jul 7, 1999 | Agroecology, Articles, Combating Desertification
Sivakumar,K.M, Alagesan, V and Ramachandran Owing to the minimal rainfall, poor soil fertility and adverse climatic conditions drylands of this zone become more and more of a desert. Farming under these circumstances appears to be really a gamble for the farmers, who...
by Rukmini | Jul 7, 1999 | Agroecology, Articles, Water Management
G Ravikumar RIOD (Reseau International Dong sur la Desertification) is a Global network of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs ) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) working towards the combat of Desertification. It was established in 1994 with the mandate of ...
by Rukmini | Jul 7, 1999 | Agroecology, Articles, Combating Desertification, Farmer's Diary
During the last 40 years as a result of deforestation amount of rainfall has come down, streams and rivers have dried up, even the underground water table is falling fast, which has caused anxiety among all of us and farmers in particular. But they could successfully...