For ages, farmers in India integrated agriculture with many interrelated activities like tree cropping, livestock...
Articles related to Animal Husbandry
Backyard Rabbit Rearing: A Viable Option for Resource Poor Farmers
D.Puthira Prathap and K.Narayanan In recent years there has been rising global awareness on the virtues of rabbit...
NGOs role in livestock improvement – A case of ANTHRA
Nitya Ghotge and Sagari Ramdas ANTHRA is an organization based in India, working towards the development of...
Para Technicians as Alternative Veterinary Service for Livestock Management
Artificial Insemination (AI) with improved semen has contributed significantly towards upgradation of local cattle...
AZOLLA – A sustainable feed substitute for livestock
The demand for milk and meat has been increasing and animal husbandry, as a profitable occupation, is expanding. ...