G. S. Unnikrishnan Nair Mushroom production is an untapped potential source of employment and income in Kerala....
Articles related to Food Safety, Security & Sovereignity
Gendering Agriculture: Putting Women First
P.V Satheesh By gaining critical control over seeds rural women have recovered traditional landraces and...
Women and Food Sovereignty
Even during the days when men used to go to the forests hunting animals and collecting tubers and fruits, women...
Women take control of their food security and sovereignty
Naresh Jadav and Pallavi Sobti-Rajpal Understanding the issues and perspectives of the community, giving voice to...
Millets for food, nutrition and health security
S. Swain and N. R. Parida The role of millets as food grain has been declining over years with increasing...
Healthy farmers and healthy environment
Farmers earlier cultivated crops mainly for their own use and for those local communities like potters, cobblers,...
Back to traditional farming systems – a case of Monpa tribes
The Monpa are an ethnic group of Tibetan descent inhabited in the western Arunachal Pradesh. A population of 45,000...