Bio-inputs for agroecology – March 2021 – Issue 23.1

Biodegradable are not only less expensive but also result in                                       enhancing soil health


Agroecological approaches are based on principles of living in healthy communion with nature. Leveraging contextual diversity, they promote resilience, sustainable use of resources and safe environment. One of the most critical components for promotion of ecological/ organic/ LEISA farming is biodegradable inputs – awareness,availability, willingness to experiment so as to use them as substitutes for harmful and expensive chemical options.

Based on traditional and cultural knowledge, farmers and organic farming promoters have been constantly preparing and using biological alternatives with positive results. The mainstream institutions too have recognised the multiple benefits they offer not only to the farmer but also to the Planet. However, often, they are context dependent linked to factors like biodiversity availability and the willingness of farmers.

Interesting examples of way forward have been shared by LEISA enthusiasts in spite of COVID threats. Our authors are the backbone for continued knowledge sharing. We are highly thankful to them. Not only to those who share, we are also deeply grateful to all those who read, encourage and voluntarily contribute to the sustainability of this knowledge sharing effort.

4. Editorial

6. Bio management of coconut pests -Social process for mass adoption

Anithakumari P.

11. Nurturing nature using nature’s gift – A Sri Lankan Scenario

Kandaiah Pakeerathan and Gunasingam Mikunthan

16. Jeevamrut – The real liquid gold


21. Transitioning towards organic farming

Rohan Yogesh Raut

24. In the news

26. Women organising agroecology for resiliences in the Sahel

Tsuamba Bourgou and Peter Gubbels

31. New Books

32. Sources

33.  Enterpreneurship to promote organic farming

Victor I and Suresh Kanna K



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