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Fighting for land rights

Fighting for land rights

A case of Juang and Bhuyan adivasis in Orissa Land and forest resources are the core of survival for many tribal communities. While fighting for their land rights, Juang and...

Tricked, trapped and grabbed   

Tricked, trapped and grabbed  

Farmers experience with eucalyptus plantations Land grabbing in India takes many forms including expansion of plantation monoculture for carbon sequestration. Private companies...

A little land can make a big difference

A little land can make a big difference

When distributed broadly, secure land tenure becomes a fundamental building block for the development of sustainable, prosperous and peaceful societies. With more than two lakh...

Graduating to farming

While farming has become unremunerative, more so with the disturbing climate change conditions, it is imperative that the government support be extended to motivate young farmers...

Shaping the change agents of future

Shaping the change agents of future

VSM is a unique model of development wherein young urban farm graduates are moulded to bring about a change in the agriculture scenario as change agents. This model based on...

Agriculture is for our life

“Agriculture is for our life and going to school and college is to improve our knowledge” are the words of my father which inspired me to stay in agriculture. I have finished my...

Going organic

Going organic

Only when farming is based upon “natural principles” can it be truly sustainable. Ecological farming is based on nurturing and nourishing the soils. Emphasizing soil conservation...

Learning from farm, learning to farm

Learning from farm, learning to farm

Farming like any profession requires dedication, understanding, constant learning and application of new ideas and above all a desire to view it as a part of the greater...

Farming as a positive choice

Farming as a positive choice

While conventional educational methods have made learning as abstract as possible, rarely connecting the leaner to reality, Puvidham Learning Centre has been shaping the thoughts...