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Small farmers eye big fish in Jharkhand

Small farmers eye big fish in Jharkhand

Manu Moudgil   Pisciculture is changing the lives of farmers by offering a good alternative to land-based agriculture. Backed by the government, it is picking up well. Dhanmaniya...

Obituary – Shri L. Narayana reddy

Shri. L Narayana Reddy, the legendary organic farmer, a role model and an inspiration to many  in the farming sector, passed away on 14th January 2019. Born into a large farming...

In the news

Women of India Organic Festival 2018 The 5th edition of the 10-day “Women of India National Organic Festival 2018” organised by the Ministry of Women & Child Development...

Innovations on the ground

Strongly believing that innovation is intrinsic to agriculture, Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC), documented a compendium of innovations by farmers. Around 100...