Local food systems culturally integral to the local communities, enhances community health and nutrition while...
Articles related to Resource Management
Up Scaling through local entrepreneurs
J P Tripathi and Kirit Jessani Technological interventions to be successful need to be supported with human...
Bihanaa Maa – the ‘seed mothers’
Biswamohan Mohanty ‘Seed mothers’ of Orissa have played a crucial role in the revival of millet based farming...
Farmers’ parameters for assessing soil fertility in semi-arid regions
B.Suresh Reddy Sustainable soil fertility is key to food and livelihood security of millions of people living in...
Building Healthy Soils Organically
K.Raghavendra Rao When I decided to leave a cushy and comfortable job in Delhi to come South and settle down in a...
Effective Microorganisms for Ecological Agriculture during Transition
About 25 years ago, I came to know about Effective Microorganisms and their use in agriculture, animal health and...
Vermicomposting for building soil fertility
A.S. Ninawe Vermi-biotechnology is an ecofriendly, socially sound and economically viable innovative type of...
Microbial wealth regulates crop quality and soil health
D.P. Singh and H. B. Singh Interaction, whether mutualistic, symbiotic or suppressive, that coexists in soil...
Reclaiming earthly smell and livelihoods SVARAJ’s experience
To understand the current status of agriculture and the irrigation method practiced, SVARAJ, a development...